Welcome to First Baptist Church Quitman, Mississippi!

Whether a member or a guest, our aim is to love you like Jesus loves you.

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Our Staff


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Dr. Gene Neal

Dr. Neal has degrees from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He has served churches throughout Mississippi since 1978 and came to FBC in September of 2000. He and his wife (Linda) have 2 grown children and 6 grandchildren.

Minister of Music

Search Committee In Place

Student Minister

Search Committee Pending

Church Secretary

Teresa Simmons

Teresa Warren Simmons joined the FBC Staff in December, 2022, upon the retirement of Linda Neal. Teresa previously worked at a local bank and owned and operated a local restaurant. She is married to Shane Simmons and they live in Enterprise.

Music Secretary & Technology Assistant

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Mona Odom

Mona came to FBC in October of 2014 as the Music Secretary, but has added multiple church technology responsibilities over the years. She and her husband (Eddie) live in Quitman and have 4 grown children and 4 grandchildren. 


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What We Believe

First Baptist Church is affiliated with the Clarke County Baptist Association, the Mississippi Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention.
Like most Southern Baptist churches, we stand strongly with the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 which affirms the Bible as the infallible word of God, Jesus as God’s son (fully God and fully man), the Holy Spirit as the third part of the Trinity and the agent of peace, comfort and conviction, Sin as the condition of every person separating us from God, Jesus’ work on the cross as the only atonement for sin and the only means of salvation, and the promised literal return of Jesus for His church. 

There are many other points in the Baptist Faith & Message.
We would be happy to provide you with a copy if you would like to look further into what we believe.